Indies Stocking Failure to Comply
An incomplete list. Don’t see yours on here? Request a copy at your favorite bookstore / contact me and I’ll add yours to the list!
Amherst Books (Amherst, MA)
Antigone Books (Tuscon, AZ)
Astoria Bookshop (Astoria, NY)
Avid Reader (Davis, CA)
Ben McNally Books (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Bluestockings (New York, NY)
Book N Brush (Chehalis, WA)
Book People (Austin, TX)
Books & Books (Coral Gables, FL)
The Bookshelf (Guelph, ON, Canada)
BookWoman (Austin, TX)
Bright Side Bookshop (Flagstaff, AZ)
Bureau of General Services: Queer Division (New York, NY)
Café Books (Canmore, AB, Canada)
Changing Hands Bookstore (Tempe/Phoenix, AZ)
Charis Books and More (Atlanta, GA)
City Lights Books (San Francisco, CA)
East End Books (Provincetown, MA)
Elliott Bay Books (Seattle, WA)
Firestorm Books (Asheville, NC)
Green Apple Books (San Francisco, CA)
The Golden Notebook (Woodstock, NY)
Greedy Reads (Baltimore, MD)
The Homer Bookstore (Homer, AK)
The Irreverent Bookworm (Minneapolis, MN)
The Learned Owl (Hudson, OH)
Left Bank Books (St. Louis, MO)
Literati Bookstore (Ann Arbor, MI)
Little District Books (Washington, DC)
Loyalty Bookstore (Washington, DC)
Mabel’s Fables (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Malaprops Bookstore (Asheville, NC)
Marcus Books (Oakland, CA)
Midtown Reader (Tallahassee, FL)
Mitzi’s Books (Rapid City, SD)
Octavia Books (New Orleans, LA)
Odyssey Bookshop (South Hadley, MA)
Phoenix Books (VT)
Pilsen Community Books (Chicago, IL)
Politics & Prose (Washington, DC)
Powell’s Books (Portland, OR)
Prairie Lights Books (Iowa City, IA)
Red Emma’s (Baltimore, MD)
River Run Bookstore (Portsmouth, NH)
R.J. Julia’s (Madison, CT)
Room of One’s Own (Madison, WI)
Shelf Life Books (Richmond, VA)
Square Books (Oxford, MS)
The Strand (New York, NY)
Subterranean Books (St. Louis, MO)
Tombolo Books (Saint Petersburg, FL)
Unabridged Bookstore (Chicago, IL)
Unnameable Books (Turners Falls, MA)
Whodunit? (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
Women & Children First (Chicago, IL)
The Writer’s Block (Las Vegas, NV)